Advanced Tiers of Support
Tier 2 Support
Within the three-tiered framework of PBIS, Tier 2 is designed to prevent the development or decrease the frequency and/or intensity of student behavior issues provides extra support above and beyond Tier 1 practices.
Tier 2 supports often involve group-based interventions with several students participating. Specific Tier 2 interventions include practices such as social skills groups, check-in/check-out (CICO), and academic supports, and are implemented by a variety of school personnel.
Screening Process to Identify Students: Schools need a clearly defined, methodical process for considering which students may need additional support. Multiple strategies can be used to identify students for Tier 2 supports. Examples include:
- Office discipline referrals
- Screening instrument scores
- Teacher nominations
- Parent and support service recommendations
- Formative assessments
Tier 3 Support
Tier 3 interventions are implemented for students whose behaviors are high risk of failure and/or unresponsive to Tiers 1 and 2. Tier 3 practices are highly specialized and implemented at the individual student level by a team with behavior expertise.