Student Supports

Student safety is our top concern, and we will continue to prioritize health and safety in our schools. Our schools have comprehensive plans in place to ensure safe learning environments for all students. 

When tragedy occurs, intense trauma and long-term effects on the entire community can result. We have skilled counselors at each of our schools who are available to speak with students if they have any questions or feel the need to speak to someone.  

Our school counselors have provided the following suggestions when talking with your child:

  • Fear is normal. The goal is to help develop healthy coping strategies to help through hard times. 
  • Ask what they heard and how it makes them feel (children often take on our emotions, so it’s okay to say we are sad, but modeling calm is helpful) 

  • Give opportunity to ask questions. 

  • Share basic facts but steer clear of gory details.  

  • Children may ask why it happened.  It’s okay to say we don’t know why.   

  • They may feel afraid it will happen to them.  Remind them that there is so much good in our world and these events are rare.   

  • Actively honoring those lost through writing a card or planting a tree can provide closure. 

  • How to know if they are struggling to cope with the news? 

    • Sleep problems: Your child may be afraid to go to sleep, have bad dreams, or struggle to wake up. 

    • Physical complaints: Your child may complain of headaches, stomach aches, or tiredness. Their appetite might increase or decrease. 

    • Changes in behavior: Your child may regress and act more immature, for example, whining or falling back in potty training, or become demanding and clingy. 

    • Emotional problems: Your child may feel depressed, anxious, afraid, or unduly sad. Other signs might be irritability, social withdrawal, or obsessive play, such as acting out a traumatic event over and over. 

Additional information about talking to your student about death.

If your child needs more support, TPS has exceptional mental health partners who provide services at schools.  School counselors can assist with referrals to our partner agencies. 

We can all help prevent suicide. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Lifeline) at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or text the Crisis Text Line (text HELLO to 741741).