Layered approach to safety and security
Tacoma Public Schools wants to reassure our staff and community that the safety and well-being of students and staff is our highest priority. Every day, we all strive to create a safe learning environment for every student, with a layered approach to safety, which includes:
- Maintaining a safety plan for each school, including evacuation routes, where to gather during an evacuation, and reunification areas
- Conducting regular safety drills at all schools, including natural disasters and lock-down drills. We also partner with the Tacoma Police Department on active shooter drills.
- Installing upgraded safety equipment across the district, made possible by bond and levy funding. Safety upgrades include:
- Controlled access (buzz-in systems) at school entries that restrict access to schools
- Security camera systems
- ID card readers for staff access to school
- Intercom systems to assist with real-time notifications
This work is dependent on the availability of materials, labor forces and other factors.
- Restricting public access to our playgrounds and fields during school hours
- Maintaining a security staff with patrol officers and campus security officers. Our patrol officers have the flexibility to respond to needs at schools throughout the day. We also have a contract with the Tacoma Police Department for three positions to directly support schools.
- Continuing our strong partnership with the Tacoma Police Department and working closely when safety issues or concerns arise
Resources for students
In addition to these building safety measures, counselors or social workers in every school are available to speak with students if they have any questions or want to speak to someone about school safety. TPS also has exceptional mental health partners who provide services at schools. School counselors can assist with referrals to our partner agencies.
Tacoma Public Schools is proud to be a part of a community that consistently unites to support each other. We are better together.