Indian Education

The Indian Education Program is committed to connecting families of Native American students with culture, community and education.

Tacoma Public Schools acknowledges that we are on the traditional ancestral and historical lands of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians.

We honor with gratitude the land itself and the Puyallup Tribe. This acknowledgement serves as a first step in honoring our nearest tribal neighbors and partners who have inhabited this region since time immemorial, and whom we give thanks for allowing us passage to their lands. We shall intentionally create inclusive and respectful partnerships that honor Indigenous cultures, histories, identities, and sociopolitical realities.

Right to Tribal Regalia Act

Effective March 18, 2020, RCW 28A.600.500 affirms the inherent rights assured through tribal sovereignty and expressly provides that school districts must allow American Indian and Alaska Native K–12 and higher education students who are members of federally recognized tribes to wear traditional tribal regalia and objects of cultural significance at graduation ceremonies and related events. In addition, school districts and higher education institutions are required, when necessary, to update relevant policies or procedures in accordance with this law.

Bulletin 014-23 was issued by OSPI Superintendent Reykdal to every district superintendent, school principal, and school counselor affirming the right of American Indian and Alaska Native students to wear traditional regalia and items of cultural significance at graduation and other related events.

2551-S.SL.pdf (

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David Syth, M.Ed. (Crow/Blackfeet Nation)
Assistant Director, Indian Education/Title III

Liz Leines
Indian Education Specialist

Robin Brooks
Indian Education Specialist