Multilingual Learners (ML)

We speak your language!


Hablamos su idioma. Si necesita asistencia en español, por favor contacte a

Damaris P. Mestre-Rivera | 253-571-1381

Julio Torres | 253-571-1110

Ласкаво просимо!

Ми розмовляємо вашою мовою. Якщо вам потрібна допомога на українській, будь ласка контактуйте

Sergiy Sorokin | 253-571-1177


យើងនិយាយភាសារបស់អ្នក។  ប្រសិនបើអ្នកត្រូវការជំនួយ "ភាសាខ្មែរ" សូមទាក់ទង

Rady Oum | 253-571-1117

Добро пожаловать!

Мы говорим на вашем языке. Если вам нужна помощь на русском, пожалуйста свяжитесь с

Sergiy Sorokin | 253-571-1177

​Kính Chào Quý Vị

Chúng tôi nói ngôn ngữ của quý vị. Nếu cần thông dịch tiếng Việt, xin vui lòng liên lạc:

MyLing Nguyen | 253-571-1263

To help prepare the district’s limited English proficient students to live successfully in an English-speaking culture and in a multilingual, multicultural world. This preparation includes providing developmentally appropriate instruction in the English language, maintaining a respect for the student’s native culture and heritage, and developing a sense of self-worth and pride in the student.  It will also include active parent involvement and vigorous staff development activities.​

​​Schools with a ML Program

All of these schools use a Sheltered Instruction​ approach unless marked as Dual Language.​​


Elementary Schools

  • Arlington
  • Birney
  • ​Blix - Dual Language
  • ​Boze
  • Browns Point
  • Bryant
  • Crescent Heights
  • DeLong
  • ​Edison
  • ​Fawcett
  • ​Fern Hill
  • ​Geiger
  • ​Larchmont
  • ​Lister
  • ​Lyon
  • ​Manitou Park
  • ​Northeast Tacoma
  • ​Point Defiance
  • ​Reed
  • ​Roosevelt
  • ​Sheridan - Dual Language
  • ​Skyline
  • ​Stafford
  • ​Stanley ​
  • Travis
  • Wainwright
  • ​Whitman​
  • Whittier

Middle Schools

  • Baker
  • Bryant
  • First Creek
  • Giaudrone
  • Gray
  • Meeker
  • Stewart
  • Truman
  • Wainwright

High Schools

  • ​Foss
  • ​Lincoln
  • ​Mount Tahoma
  • Silas
  • ​Stadium

Instructional Model

​​Sheltered Instruction (SI) is an approach used widely for teaching language and content to multilingual learners, particularly as schools prepare students to achieve high academic standards. In SI, academic subjects (e.g., science, social studies) are taught using English as the medium of instruction. SI is most often used in classes comprised solely of multilingual learners, although it may be used in classes with both native English speakers and multilingual learners when necessitated by scheduling considerations or by small numbers of multilingual learners.

Tacoma Public Schools offers Dual Language and Sheltered Instruction English Language Development Programs.

Dual Language Program: Dual language programs provide integrated language and academic instruction for native English and native speakers of another language with the goals of high academic achievement, first and second language proficiency, and cross-cultural understanding (Christian, 1994).

Sheltered Instruction (Content-Based ESL): Sheltered Instruction is an approach for teaching content to multilingual learners in strategic ways that make academic subject matter concepts comprehensible while promoting the students’ English language development. (Echevarria, J., Vogt M. –E., & Short, D., 2000).