Maritime | 253
Maritime|253 will serve learners across the South Sound beginning in Fall 2025.
Tacoma Public Schools is partnering with the Port of Tacoma to build a Maritime Skills Center that will help prepare students for diverse jobs throughout the maritime industry. Maritime|253 will be located within the Port of Tacoma, and construction of the facility is slated to be completed in 2026. However, Tacoma Public Schools will begin offering some courses to students at satellite locations Fall of 2025. Maritime|253 will serve high school students from multiple school districts at no costs to students.
A skills center is not a high school - it is a regional career and technical education (CTE) center. Students take advanced preparation CTE courses at the skills center in addition to courses at their high school required for graduation. Through a skills center, students can be set up for direct career engagement and employment, apprenticeship, internship, a two-year college track, and four-year university tracks.
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Tacoma Public Schools' needs community partners from industry experts like you!
We recognize that our growth, improvement, and evolution cannot be done without strong community partners like you.
Tacoma Public Schools acknowledges that we are on the traditional ancestral and historical lands of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians.
We honor with gratitude the land itself and the Puyallup Tribe. This acknowledgement serves as a first step in honoring our nearest tribal neighbors and partners who have inhabited this region since time immemorial, and whom we give thanks for allowing us passage to their lands. We shall intentionally create inclusive and respectful partnerships that honor Indigenous cultures, histories, identities, and sociopolitical realities.