Social Emotional

In Fall 2017, a team of (27) educators and community members in Tacoma engaged in the development of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) benchmarks. The goal of this committee was to align the SEL benchmarks with the five competencies of the Collaborative for the Academic, Social, and Emotion Learning (CASEL): Self-awareness, Self-management, Social awareness, Relationship skills, and Responsible decision-making. As a continuation of this alignment, the SEL team assessed current curricular resources and determined a need for core curriculum aligned to the Tacoma SEL benchmarks and Washington State Learning Standards (WSLS).

In July 2018, three vendors were selected as finalists for the pilot phase of a K-5 curriculum adoption. During the 2018-19 school year, 120 educators piloted the curricula and scored each based on the following criteria: instruction, student engagement, preparation time, and alignment to the new SEL benchmarks. In June 2019, Getting Along Together by Success for All Foundation was adopted by the Board of Directors for K-5 SEL core curriculum. Full implementation of this adoption will be phased over the next three years.

Grade Level Adopted Curriculum Year Adopted
Elementary (K-5) Getting Along Together
Success for All Foundation
Middle School (6-8)

None at this time.

High School (9-12)

None at this time.
