Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)

Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) system of college and career-going support provides students with cross-curricular strategies such as focused note-taking, planning backward, and other organizational structures, collaborative study groups, and activities for high level inquiry to promote accelerated learning.  

What is AVID?  - AVID Overview for Families


The goal is to develop effective strategy implementation among educators and students schoolwide through the use of WICOR activities:

  • Writing
  • Inquiry
  • Collaboration
  • Organization
  • Reading

AVID's teaching strategies and curriculum build positive teacher-student relationships to ensure student success school-wide.

Lessons developed with WICOR in mind- Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, organization, and Reading are used in all subjects.  

AVID and the Common Core State Standards English/Language Arts 

AVID and the Common Core State Standards Math 

AVID and Common Core State Standards in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects 

AVID Critical Reading Curriculum and State Standards 

AVID Statistics - Washington State

AVID Statistics - National 


AVID Works. How Do We Know This?

More students enroll in and persist in college. For over 35 years, AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) has provided educators nationwide a proven solution for systematically increasing academic rigor and creating engaging learning environments, accelerating the performance of underrepresented students, and delivering results school-wide.

AVID Graduates: Enroll in College at Higher Rates

In 2015, AVID seniors outpaced the national average of enrolling in either a two- or four-year college the first fall term after high school. This success is remarkable, considering AVID’s population is largely comprised of students typically underrepresented in higher education.

Tacoma Kids Have It: AVID helps student find her voice.

How to Apply for AVID

  • Students communicate interest
  • Students reach out to the AVID Coordinator or AVID Elective Teacher for an application
  • Students complete the application with recommendations from teachers and personal references
  • Interested 5th graders should contact their assigned Middle School for information on application and timelines.
  • School contacts students for interviews typically in the spring or late summer. Middle School counselors are a good source of information

How can I help my AVID Student? 

As a parent/guardian, you play an integral role in your child's academic and social development. You lay the foundation for their future. The Advanced Academics Family/Student Checklist and AVID strategies can help your child thrive in school, work, and life. 

AVID Tutorials

The AVID elective also emphasizes college and career research and cross age tutorials. Tutorials follow a 10-step process facilitated by a peer or adult tutor to engage in Socratic-like questioning leading to a Point of Understanding from a Point of Confusion (POC). Students should plan to use well-written notes from class, their completed Tutorial Request form describing a Point of Confusion (POC), and a 60 second speech about their Point of Confusion in preparation for and during tutorials. Reflecting on the tutorial process and how students were able to come to a point of understanding after the tutorial session is also very important in the learning process.  

Ten Steps of the Tutorial Process

Before Tutorials

  1. Students identify an initial question as they engage in rigorous coursework.
  2. Students complete the Tutorial Request Form (TRF) and identify their Point of Confusion (POC).
  3. Students divide into groups with one tutor and prepare for the tutorial.
During Tutorials
4. Student presenter gives a 60-Second Speech ending with the Tutorial Question from the POC.
5. Students engage in academic conversation using collaborative inquiry
6. Students check the presenter's understanding as they articulate generalized steps.
7. Student presenter shares the resolution of the POC in a 60-second synthesis of their learning.
8. Students repeat Steps 4-7 with the next presenter.
After Tutorials
9. Students summarize their academic learning and reflect on the tutorial process.
10. Students apply their tutorial skills and learning in their academic classes. 

Tutorial Request Form Think Aloud

Focused Note Taking

Taking good notes in class is an important part of academic success in college. Actively taking notes during class will help you focus and better understand main concepts.  

Integrate Digital Focused Note-Taking Strategies and Tools


AVID Open Access

AVID Open Access is an open educational resource that provides practical, easy-to-use strategies. 

Virtual Student Learning provides easy-to-implement strategies and tips to help students take ownership of their digital lives, build skills to fully participate in their communities and make informed choices online and in life. 


AVID and Advanced Programs
(253) 571-1068

How Can I Become an AVID Tutor? 

Characteristics: AVID Tutors guide students toward academic and personal excellence by active participation in the learning, growth, and personal development of students with the goal of preparing students to successfully attend college. 

  • Previous student tutoring or mentoring experience or former AVID program participation welcomed. 
  • Passionate belief in ability for all students to graduate college- and career-ready.
  • Demonstrated responsibility and reliability
  • Attend tutor training given by district/regional office.
  • Demonstrate professional behavior and set an example of personal excellence and high expectations for all AVID students to follow.
  • Communicate regularly with AVID Coordinator and Teacher regarding student progress and areas of concern and confer with teacher about future tutorial plans
    • Actively engage with teacher during debrief
    • Provide suggestions and ideas to improve tutorials
    • Provide information of student need and growth
    • Take notes on steps to improve tutorials from teacher/tutor debrief
  • Lead subject-specific study groups
  • Provide academic support and focus to students to ensure success in rigorous coursework
  • Encourage active participation by student groups
    • Actively take 3-column notes for student presenter
    • Challenge student presenter to articulate his/her understanding of the point of confusion
    • Use his/her "1/6 voice" contributing 1/6 of conversation.
  • Visit subject area classrooms to observe and assist AVID students
  • Assist in organization and participate in functions and in activities
  • Advocate for AVID Tutor program among peers and community. 

AVID Tutors Wanted


Plan Your Future on These Trusted WSAC Websites

There is no shortage of college and career-planning advice out there, especially online. Some is good, some is…not-so-good. So where can you find information that is correct and clear? The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) offers trustworthy web resources that can help you find the right education and career path for you.

  • WSAC Website
    Review WSAC’s Plan Your Future page for information and resources on college planning, career exploration, financial aid, apprenticeship, and more. Learn about Washington’s state financial aid programs and how to apply for financial aid.
  • College & Career Compass
    Explore your options with the College & Career Compass. This web-based tool will help you identify educational pathways that can lead to promising careers and a brighter future. 
  • GEAR UP Student & Family Resources
    Access free college planning resources on the GEAR UP website. GEAR UP links to quality materials and websites about planning your path, paying for college, visiting campuses, and building a support system.