Washington Access to Instruction & Measurement (WA-AIM)

What is the WA-AIM?

The Washington Access to Instruction & Measurement (WA-AIM) is an assessment based on alternate achievement standards aligned to Common Core State Standards for students with significant cognitive disabilities. The WA-AIM expands upon the mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA) Common Core State Standards and Washington State science standards to provide students with significant cognitive disabilities a continuum of access points to the standards.

The WA-AIM is used for federal and state accountability in grades 3-8 and 10 for ELA and Math, and can be used to meet a student's graduation pathway requirement. Science is administered in grade 11.

Who takes the WA-AIM?

Students in grades 3-8 and 10 (for ELA & Math) and grade 11 (science) with significant cognitive challenges that are documented in their Individualized Education Program (IEP).

When is the WA-AIM administered?

The Office of Supervisor of Public Instruction (OSPI) establishes state assessment testing windows each school year. Districts and schools schedule state assessment administration dates within those OSPI windows; please contact your school or assessments@tacoma.k12.wa.us for details regarding planned state assessment dates.

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