Department Directory

​Student support

Academic Equity & Access: Eliminating disparities in achievement among all groups

Advanced Programs (or Academic Acceleration): Enrolling qualified students in advanced courses

Assessm​ents & Research: Measuring instructional effectiveness and improving student learning

Athletics & Activities​: Sports and extracurricular activities helping students achieve

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination): Preparing middle school students for college

Career & Technical Education: Introducing students to careers and higher education
Next Move | Jobs253 | Healthcare Careers Academy

Community Partnerships: Volunteer in our schools or partner with us

Counseling: Supporting academic, career and personal/social development

Curriculum & Instruction: Researching, developing and implementing curriculum

Early Learning (Preschool): Five programs at 32 locations; developmental screenings, family support

Enrollment Services: Enrolling students and allowing parents to select the school that’s the best fit

Foster Care: Supporting students in foster care to be successful in school and in life

Health Services Supporting health and wellbeing across our district

Highly Capable Program: Providing instruction, activities and services that accelerate learning

Homeless Student Assistance (McKinney-Vento Act): Locating and assisting students and families without a permanent home

Indian Education: Meeting culturally-related academic needs of American Indians/Alaskan Natives

Library Services: Reading, research skills, and digital safety skills

Multlingual Learners (ML): Teaching English language development

Nutrition Services: Access menus, nutritional analysis, Lunch Money Now and Meal App Now

Partnership Office: Creating partnerships to engage students, parents, community and staff

Student Services:
Special Education | Community Based Transition | Health Services

Summer Learning: Free programs and activities during the summer months

Tacoma Whole Child: Supporting the social and emotional needs of students

Title I / Learning Assistance Program (LAP): Providing academic assistance beyond the classroom

Transportation: Find bus routes, emergency procedures and more

Technology: Find technology resources and support

Business & Community support

Business & Finance Division:
Financial Services | Budget | Grants Management | Purchasing

Communications: Providing accurate and timely information to the community

Data Assessment Research Team (DART)​: Building data systems to improve student outcomes

Facilities: Ensuring safe, clean and healthy learning environments and facilities

Human Resources: Recruiting, hiring and retaining highly-qualified staff with competitive pay and benefits for rewarding jobs and careers

Planning & Construction: Major construction projects and health, safety and security upgrades

Safety & Security: Creating and maintaining safe learning environments