Goal 4: Health and Safety
We will create and maintain healthy and safe learning environments that promote excellent academic achievement.
To determine the district’s progress toward achieving the goal of creating and maintaining safe learning environments, we use the following benchmarks:
The percentage of students enrolled in one or more extracurricular activity.
Each school will complete and publish a summary of its annual Social Emotional Learning Plan.
The percentage of students with no exclusionary discipline (suspensions or expulsions.)
The percentage of students with no exclusionary discipline (suspensions or expulsions.)
The percentage of students with no exclusionary discipline (suspensions or expulsions.)
The percentage of student surveys returned and the number of family member and staff climate surveys returned.
The percentage of healthy youth survey responses from students in grades 6, 8, 10 and 12.
The percentage of students in grades 3 and 5 participating in one or more community-based Extended Learning Opportunities.