Goal 1: Academic Excellence

We will support all students to perform at or above grade level and eliminate group disparities.

To determine the district’s progress toward achieving the goal of academic excellence, we use the following benchmarks:

2023 Mt. Tahoma graduate receives diploma


Graduation Rates

The percentage of high school students graduated on time, dropped out or graduated with extended time.

Graduation Grade Point Average

The percentage of students who graduate with a 2.75 grade point average (GPA) or higher. 

Academic Rigor

The percentage of high school students taking at least one Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Running Start, CTE Dual Credit or College in the High School course.

State Assessment: Smarter Balanced English Language Arts

The percentage of students scoring at each level of the state assessments in English Language Arts (ELA).

State Assessment: Smarter Balanced Math

The percentage of students scoring at each level of the state assessments (Smarter Balanced) in Math.

Report Card: English Language Arts Competencies

The percentage of students scoring at each level in English Language Arts competencies on the report card.

Report Card: Math Competencies

The percentage of students scoring at each level in Math competencies on the report card.

Report Card: Algebra or Geometry

The percentage of students earning a 'C' or better in Algebra or Geometry

Report Card: English Language Arts

The percentage of students earning a 'C' or better in English Language Arts. 

Course Failures

The percentage of students failing one or more courses. Filtered by grade level, subject, ethnicity and more. 

Acceptance to Next Institution

The percentage of students who have a verified acceptance letter from their next institutiontrade school, community college, technical college, university, military or apprenticeship program.

Industry Certifications

The percentage of students who have earned industry-recognized credentials upon graduation.