Strategic Plan
Why we need a strategic plan
A message from the Board of Directors
The Tacoma School District 2020-2025 Strategic Plan is the result of our belief that all students achieve their full potential by participation in an educational experience that is relevant, challenging and individualized, an experience that shares such common values as equity, cultural understanding, accountability and leadership and was designed based on the overarching goals of achievement, innovation, instruction, collaboration, early learning, and safety for all students in all schools.
Through this Strategic Plan the Tacoma School District will gain:
- A roadmap that drives district initiatives
- Educational programs and philosophy rooted in the district’s core values
- A laser-like focus on students meeting/exceeding academic standards
- System accountability for meeting the academic needs of all students
- Parent and community partnerships to meet the social, emotional and academic needs of children
- Annual budgets that reflect the district’s prioritized goals and objectives
Goal 1: Academic Excellence
We will support all students to perform at or above grade level and eliminate group disparities.
Goal 3: Early Learning
We will focus on early assessment and intervention at the Pre-K through 3rd grade levels to ensure early academic success.
Goal 5: Operations
We will focus on effective and efficient business practices to ensure student academic success.
Goal 2: Partnerships
We will fully engage our parents, community and staff in the education of our children.
Goal 4: Health & Safety
We will create and maintain healthy and safe learning environments that promote excellent academic achievement.
Our Core Values:
What we believe
- Students first
- Results matter
- Flexible continuous improvement
- Data-driven decision making
- Effective leadership
- Parent/community partnership
- Cultural understanding
- Equity
- Quality instruction for everyone
- Rigor and relevance
- Accountability
- Transparency
Our Vision:
What we want to be
We will be an outstanding school district in which all students exhibit high standards of achievement and critical thinking skills, and are socially responsible, contributing members of their community.
Our Mission:
What we do
In partnership with parents and community, we will provide a comprehensive educational experience that is rigorous, individualized and enables students to contribute to a changing and diverse world.