Policy Details Page

Policy No. 6881
Management Support

Students shall have first opportunity to purchase surplus texts that are unclaimed by district staff prior to their sale or final disposal.

Funds derived from the sale of student transportation equipment shall be placed into the Transportation Fund. Funds derived from the sale of other surplus property shall be placed in the General Fund.

Prior to disposal of surplus property, the district shall serve notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the school district, and to any public school district or private school in the state of
Washington annually requesting such a notice, that surplus property is available for sale, rent or
lease to public school districts or private schools. The district shall not dispose of any surplus
property to any person, firm organization or non-governmental agency for at least 30 days
following publication of said notice. In lieu of this process, the district may process surplus other
than textbooks through the state of Washington surplus yard.
Legal References: RCW 28A.335.060 Surplus School Property--Rental, Lease or Use of
--Disposition of Moneys Received from
28A.335.090 Conveyance and Acquisition of Property--
28A.335.180 Surplus Texts and Other Educational Aids, Notice
of Availability--Student Priority as to Texts
39.33.070 School Districts and Libraries--Disposal of
Obsolete or Surplus Reading Materials--
Chapter 104, Laws of 1997 Assistive Devices for Children with Disabilities--
Increasing Availability
WAC 392-143-050 Resold School Buses
RCW 39.34.080 Contracts to perform Governmental Activities
Which Each Contracting Agency is Authorized to
Adoption Date: 7/27/00