Policy Details Page
Policy No. 6810
Management Support
Efficient and Responsible Use of Resources (Sustainability)
The Tacoma School Board believes sustainability should be an integral part of the physical operation of is buildings and should be used as an educational tool. The Board wishes to create and maintain healthy, safe and sustainable school environments through increased efficiency, reduced resource use and reduced utility expenses. The Board recognizes the need to use resources wisely and promote environmental stewardship in order to be fiscally and environmentally responsible. In recognition of this responsibility, the District shall strive to develop and maintain programs to support the conservation of energy and natural resources.
The Board’s long-term goals related to sustainability are as follows:
- To reduce the use of electricity, natural gas, water and fuel;
- To encourage recycling;
- To adopt and implement conservation standards for operations, maintenance and construction, and
- To educate all staff and students about sustainability and how to conserve district resources.
The following areas will be addressed to meet these goals:
Management - Appropriate staff shall be assigned to develop and implement energy conservation programs.
Utility Accounting - Monitoring and tracking energy and resource use and costs for each school and building with information reported annually to the School Board.
Transportation - Vehicles purchased shall be selected based on fuel-efficiency considerations.
Education - Promote positive conservation attitudes and skills in the students, staff and the community members.
Recycling - Individual schools shall expand recycling materials types as much as possible and provide education materials in support of innovative recycling methods and programs.
Expectations - Students, teachers and support staff shall be responsible for their use of district resources.
Fiscal Responsibility - Resources will be used and managed wisely to promote environmental stewardship and in order to be fiscally responsible.
Sustainable Buildings - Design, build and maintain buildings in a sustainable manner seeking to minimize resource use throughout the life-cycle of buildings.
It shall be the joint responsibility of the superintendent, administrators, teachers, students, and support personnel to ensure the achievement of energy and resource savings throughout the district. The superintendent, or designee, is authorized to establish sustainability program guidelines and will provide periodic reports to the Board on this topic as requested.
Adoption Date: 09/11/2014