Regulation 6550R
Parking on School District Property
Parking of motor vehicles on Tacoma School District No. 10 property by students, employees and visitors shall be regulated as follows:
- Vehicles shall be parked in designated parking lots, unless otherwise directed by the school site administrator or district security personnel, during normal business hours while conducting business with or on behalf of the district. Staff may park in designated staff parking lots during normal school hours, and after-school hours while performing work on behalf of the district. Visitors may park in visitor parking lots during normal school hours or authorized after-school events.
- High school students may drive vehicles to and from school. Middle school students are prohibited from bringing vehicles to school. A student may not drive during the day without the consent of the parent and principal. A student may transport another student during the school day only with the consent of the student passenger’s parent and if consistent with the terms of the student’s driver’s license. Students may park in designated student parking lots during school and authorized after-school events.
- A student must register his/her car in the school office. The student must possess a valid Washington driver’s license and show evidence that there is liability and property damage insurance on the vehicle and acknowledge that he/she will assume full responsibility for any comprehensive or collision claims that may occur while on school property.
- Students may not occupy a vehicle without permission during the school day.
- In terms of student conduct rules, “possession” of alcoholic beverages, drugs/illegal chemical substances or opiates, firearms or a dangerous weapon, also extends to a student’s vehicle.
- Student vehicles shall not be parked on district property overnight unless the principal has given authorization to the student because of a school-related activity.
- High school principals shall be responsible for the issuance of parking permits to staff and students. It is optional for middle and elementary school principals to issue parking permits to staff. A list of parking permits issued, the license numbers of the vehicles, and the owner’s name and telephone number shall be maintained by the principal. Parking permits for each high school shall be particular to each high school. Parking permits for middle and elementary school staff are available through Purchasing.
- Central Administration Building (CAB) employees shall obtain parking permits for their vehicles. Permits are available from the district Risk Management office. Substitutes or contractors working at CAB shall obtain a temporary parking permit from the Risk Management office.
- Parking permits shall be displayed in the window of the vehicle.
- Vehicles shall not be parked on district property overnight unless the principal has given authorization to the owner because of a school-related activity. The principal shall notify the district CAB security office of any vehicle authorized to be parked overnight and provide the security office with the description and license number of the vehicle, and the owner’s name and telephone number, as well as the length of time the vehicle will be parked.
- The district shall not be held responsible for any damage that may occur to a vehicle left parked during non-school hours or overnight.
- Vehicles left parked on district property in violation of this regulation shall be impounded at the expense of the owner, for safekeeping.
- The principal or site administrator is responsible for notifying staff and students of this regulation.
Approved 3/5/02