Policy Details Page

Policy No. 6510
Management Support


The board of directors recognizes that it has a responsibility for providing a safe environment for its students, staff and patrons in its school facilities and grounds. The following equipment and facilities are included in this policy:

Playground Equipment

The board recognizes that playground/sports equipment are essential components of a school program. All equipment, whether purchased by the district or donated by a community or school-related group, shall be assessed on a regular basis for suitability, durability and for possible health or safety hazards. Consideration shall also be given to potential hazards when the playground is unsupervised during non-school hours.

The superintendent or designee shall develop specifications for playground equipment and related play surfaces. These specifications shall serve as criteria for the selection and evaluation of playground equipment. Selection and installation of playground equipment shall be based upon safety and contribution to child development.

Chemical and Laboratory Safety

The board recognizes the potential health and safety hazards that exist as a result of chemical storage and handling. Instruction shall be emphasized in the safe and proper use of chemicals and substances and proper laboratory techniques. All students and staff are to wear safety glasses or goggles whenever they are working under potentially hazardous conditions. Laboratories should be ventilated sufficiently enough to provide a healthful, non-hazardous environment.

The superintendent or designee will establish safety guidelines and procedures, which will minimize the hazards inherent in the science classes and laboratories in the schools.

Nuisances on School Property

Nuisances such as go-carts, motorbikes, scooters, skateboards, in-line skates, roller skates and other similar vehicles or equipment operating on school property are considered dangerous to the safety of persons and properties. The operation of such vehicles is prohibited on any school district property, and will be considered unlawful.

Swimming Pools

The board recognizes the need for the safe operation of the district's swimming pools and swimming programs, including requirements for supervision, safety equipment, swimming pool rules, self-inspection guidelines and an emergency plan in case of accident.

All certificate requirements will be approved by the American Red Cross or other authorized agency.

Metal Detectors

The board recognizes that preventive measures may deter the introduction of weapons into the school environment. These measures are designed to protect the health, safety and welfare of students, staff and patrons attending school and related events. In addition, these measures preserve an environment conducive to learning. Deterrent measures may include the use of metal detector searches of all or randomly selected persons entering school grounds, school sponsored activities, school vehicles or of any student concerning whom a reasonable suspicion exists that the student possesses a weapon.

No metal detector searches shall be conducted in any manner that discriminates against a student on the basis of race, sex, religion, disability or other protected traits. Notice of this policy and the possibility of weapon searches shall be provided to all students, parents and staff. Notices announcing the possibility of such searches shall also be displayed in areas where such searches are conducted.

The superintendent shall develop regulations requiring that such searches be performed in the least intrusive manner that is reasonably consistent with the types of detection devices used.

Cross References:
Board Policy 2151 Interscholastic Activities
Board Policy 3230 Student Privacy
Board Policy 4210 Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises
Board Policy 6511 Staff Safety
Board Policy 6605 Student Safety Walking to School and Riding Buses

Legal References:
RCW 28A.335.300 Playground Matting
RCW 28A.600.420 Firearms on School Premises, Transportation, or Facilities -- Penalty -- Exemptions
RCW 9.41.280 Dangerous Weapons on School Grounds

Adoption Date: 7/27/00

  • 6510
  • facilities
  • management
  • policy
  • safe