Policy Details Page

Regulation 6250.2R
Management Support

The district telephone system, which includes but is not limited to telephones, faxes, and other
equipment, is intended to be used to carry out district-related business. All long-distance calls
made on the SCAN lines are to be entered on to the log-provided by the district, reviewed and
approved for payment by the building principal and/or appropriate administrator. Building
principals and/or appropriate administrators are responsible for monitoring the use of district
telephone lines and equipment, and reviewing all monthly billings for unauthorized charges.

Emergency situations may arise when personal calls must be made. These calls are to be made
on a limited basis only. All personal long-distance calls should be charged to a private calling
card. However, circumstances may arise when it is not possible to charge these calls to the
employee’s private calling card. In such cases, all personal long-distance calls must be
reimbursed, including tax, to the district Finance office in a timely manner. The building
principal and/or appropriate administrator and individual user shall review and sign monthly
statements for long distance calls.


Cross References:       Board Policy    5010 Employee Conduct Rules
                                               Policy    5251 Conflicts of Interest
                                               Policy    6973 Acceptable Use Policy for Digital Resources

                                     Regulation     6250.1R Use of District-Owned Equipment and Materials
                                     Regulation     6250.3R Wireless Communication

Adoption Date: 3/19/2002