Policy Details Page

Policy 6112
Management Support

The purpose of this policy is to provide direction for the management of school district real property currently not being used by the District.

Real property is considered to be in use when it directly houses or supports an existing education program or support activity of the School District.  All other property is considered to be not in use.  Real property not in use which is or may be needed for a definable future use for public education is reserve property.

All property which is not in use and is not needed for a definable future use is surplus property.

The District will manage its real property with the framework of existing law, buying, selling, leasing, holding, and otherwise managing its real property in the furtherance of the following objectives:

1. Reserve property shall be managed to preserve its use for future School District requirements.  Pending return of the property to use by the School District, reserve property shall be managed considering the potential financial return to the District as compared to the potential benefit to the community from a community use.

2. Surplus property shall be managed to maximize benefit to the District.

In all management of real property, efforts shall be made to avoid harming the School District’s education program.


Legal References:     RCW   28A.335.040 Surplus school property, rental, lease or use of--Authorized

28A.335.050 Surplus school property, rental, lease or use of--Joint use

28A.335.060 Surplus school property, rental lease or use of--Disposition of moneys received for

28A.335.070 Surplus school property, rental, lease or use of--Existing contracts not impaired

28A.335.080 Surplus school property, rental, lease or use of--Community use not impaired

28A.335.090 Conveyance and acquisition of property--Management

28A.335.130 Real property--Sale--Use of proceeds

Adoption Date: 7/27/00

Revised Date: 5/22/08