Policy Details Page
Regulation 5520.1R
The Professional Development office has the responsibility to provide overall direction to, and make continuous evaluations of, district programs for in-service training. Such programs shall provide for the continuing improvement of job-related skills; enable staff to keep abreast of new information and current developments in their field of specialization; and provide for the continuing and systematic updating of the legal responsibilities of staff relative to federal, state, and local law requirements.
District administrators, supervisors, curriculum and other program resource teachers have the responsibility to facilitate and/or develop appropriate professional growth experiences for district employees in their specific building, program, or department.
Professional/Personal Growth Plan
All employees are encouraged to develop a plan for professional and personal development.
Plan for Personal Development
Personal development is defined as enhancement activities, which do not directly relate to the employee’s job description or are in support of professional advancement within the district. Personal development is recognized as an important individual need. The Professional Development office may provide personal development education as needs are identified. These activities will be offered outside the workday and employees will not be compensated for workshop attendance.
Professional Growth Opportunities
The district will utilize a variety of methods to encourage and support staff to meet their professional growth needs. Applicable negotiated agreements may determine which of the following opportunities are available.
Continuing Education Credit
Continuing education classes through community colleges, public or private colleges and universities may be designed to meet the specific professional needs of staff members and/or district program needs. These courses will be on an individual fee basis and must meet the same procedural requirements and criteria for approval outlined for in-service credit programs in Section A below.
Continuing Education Clock Hours
Continuing education clock hours/vocational clock hours may be offered by the district to assist staff in meeting the state requirement for continuing certification. The Professional Development office will establish procedures to ensure compliance with the Washington Administrative Code. Clock hours may count on the salary schedule with 10 clock hours equaling one credit. In addition, clock hour offerings by other approved agencies will be
applied toward salary schedule advancement consistent with OSPI guidelines and applicable collective bargaining agreements.
The procedures for offering clock hours are as follows:
- A. Provide in-service classes and workshops designed to meet specific district needs for
- program development, and with standards comparable to those for college study. In
- developing such classes and workshops, a ratio of 10 class hours equals one-quarter
- hour of professional credit shall be used to determine the number of credits to be
- assigned. Such programs must meet the following procedural requirements and criteria
- for approval:
- Application for approval shall be made on the district’s “Authorization for a Professional Growth Activity” form, available from the administrator for staff development. Submitted for approval with the application, should be the following:
- A syllabus with course goals and objectives;
- A session-by-session course outline or agenda with the date and time of each presentation;
- Criteria for the evaluation of student performance, i.e., term paper(s), reports, projects, etc., required. Teachers applying for credit will be required to complete an assignment in addition to attending the in-service.
- The instructor’s vita or professional qualifications for teaching the course, if not already on file with the district.
- First approval for courses in specific content areas, i.e., music, special education, or paraprofessional programs, shall be made by the district program specialists in those areas. For all other courses, first approval shall be made by the appropriate division administrator. Final approval for all courses rests with the administrator for staff development.
- Application for approval shall be made on the district’s “Authorization for a Professional Growth Activity” form, available from the administrator for staff development. Submitted for approval with the application, should be the following:
- Special Fields. Arrangements may be made for appropriate professional growth activities in special fields which are not covered by the above regulations, provided these are made with the administrator for staff development in advance. Credit will not be granted “after the fact.”
- Conduct a needs assessment. Provide a signed statement of assurance to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) that the district shall implement the recommendations of the needs assessment.
- Establish written goals and objectives, identify training activities relevant to the goals and objectives, and design evaluation procedures and criteria to assess the success of the training activities in meeting the goals and objectives.
College and University Degree Programs
It is the responsibility of staff development personnel to work with and encourage colleges and universities to provide classes that meet the professional growth needs of district staff.
Workshops for Pay
The district may pay staff to attend workshops that meet district/program needs. Compensation for such attendance will be as established in the pertinent collective bargaining agreement or by the board of directors.
Workshops During the Work Day
Workshops may be offered during the workday. Substitutes may be provided at district expense when necessary and available.
Adjustments to Salary Schedule as a Result of Staff Development
Certificated staff members desiring an advance to a higher training level for a current school year must have completed their credits and/or degrees by October 1 of the current school year, provided such coursework is not considered to be earned in the fall quarter/semester. In all cases, the Human Resources Department must be provided with official transcripts no later than January 1.
Approved 6/22/04
- credit