Policy Details Page

Regulation 5260R

The District shall maintain a personnel file for each of its employees in the Human Resources office.

Employee’s Access to His/Her Personnel File

  • Any employee has the right to review and inspect his/her personnel file by appointment during regular business hours.
  • The Superintendent has authorized access to personnel records to the following individuals: Human Resources and Legal staff with legitimate business purposes for accessing personnel records, , the District’s Public Records Officer, the current supervisor of the employee at issue, and any other individuals that the Superintendent deems appropriate.
  • A Human Resources or Records staff person must be present when an employee is given access to his/her personnel file in order to offer the employee assistance and interpretation of material contained in the file and to ensure the integrity of the file.

Access by Others to a Personnel File

  • In addition to the Superintendent and his/her designee(s), a member of the board, when authorized through board action, shall have access to staff personnel files.
  • Any person authorized by valid court order, subpoena or as otherwise authorized by law, shall have access to a specific personnel file.
  • Supervisors may examine the files of current employees or applicants for positions under his/her supervision. Individuals designated by the Assistant Superintendent or designee to screen applications for a position with the District shall have access to those files.
  • Any individual who has the written permission of an employee may examine the employee's records.

Contents of Personnel File

  • All material in the personnel file must be related to the employee's work, position, salary or employment status in the District.
  • Documents maintained separately include the following: I-9, optional data forms, medical/health-related documents, confidential placement files, documents related to criminal history background checks and pre-employment reference checks.

Adding Material

The Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources or designee is responsible for placing material in the proper personnel file. Materials placed in a personnel file shall be signed and dated by the author or originator.

Employee's Right to Object to Material Added

Unless a different process is specified by a collective bargaining agreement, an employee may appeal to either the Superintendent or the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources for the removal of any material placed in his/her personnel file. This must be done by requesting a conference for the purpose of examining the questioned material.

An employee has the right to submit a written statement of rebuttal relating to any material in his/her personnel file and have the written rebuttal placed within the file. A former employee has the right to submit a written rebuttal or correction for up to two years after departure from employment.

Approved 11/2/01, Revised 11/03/2015