Policy Details Page
Regulation 5251R
Human Resources
Tacoma School District #10 recognizes that two or more members of a family may be employed by the District. The District also recognizes that good order, efficiency, fairness and the appearance of fairness must be maintained and that all substantive or appearances of conflict of interest must be avoided.
In order to avoid such conflicts, no person shall be placed or allowed to remain in a certificated or classified position where an immediate family member or immediate relative will have authority to supervise, appoint, remove, discipline, evaluate or audit the work of such person, or to effectively recommend such actions.
No person shall be placed or allowed to remain in a certificated or classified position where a situation of actual or reasonably foreseeable conflict might exist between the District’s interest and the interest of the immediate family members or immediate relatives. For the purposes of this regulation, immediate family members include mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister or step parent, child or sibling, wife, husband, legal guardian, or person living in the employee’s household. Immediate relatives include mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle, aunt, grandparent, or grandchild.
This regulation shall not apply to substitute assignments or assignments to curriculum committees, task forces or other assignments not directly related to the employee’s regular work.
Approved 2/26/02, Revised 11/03/2015