Policy Details Page

Policy No. 5230
Human Resources

All District staff are subject to the policies and regulations of the District, provisions of staff agreements in effect, State Board of Education regulations, State Superintendent of Public Instruction regulations, and other applicable state and federal laws.

It shall be the duty of all employees to know the rules, policies, and regulations of the District and their worksites. Employees shall be directly responsible to their supervisor to follow such rules, policies, regulations and other applicable state and federal laws. Employees who fail to
know and follow the same may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Additional Duties of Administrative Staff

Each administrator’s duties shall include, but are not limited to:

  1. Planning for the improvement of the program for which he/she is responsible;
  2. Evaluating that program regularly;
  3. Recommending to the Superintendent or designee(s) budgetary, program, staff and other changes that will enhance the program;
  4. Advising the Superintendent or designee(s) of the impact of proposed policies or other administrative actions on the program for which he/she is responsible;
  5. Evaluating the performance of those staff reporting directly to him/her;
  6. Assisting his/her subordinates to improve their performance; and
  7. Promoting effective working relationships with students, staff, families, and other stakeholders of the District.


  1. Principals
    In addition to the above, the District shall hold principals accountable for the implementation of proper and efficient conduct of classroom teaching in their schools, which will meet the individual and collective needs of the particular students enrolled. Principals shall achieve and maintain standards of excellence in the instructional program so that each student exposed to this program derives the greatest academic and personal benefit from the learning experience. They have primary responsibility for the improvement of instruction in their programs. A significant portion of the principal's time is to be spent with staff, including classroom observations, staff evaluations, departmental meetings,and review of instructional materials and new and promising innovations in teaching. A principal must possess the knowledge and skill necessary to evaluate the performance of staff members in accordance with District evaluation procedures. 
  2. Non-Principal Administrative Staff
    As authorized by the Superintendent, administrative staff shall have full responsibility for the day-to-day administration of the area to which they are assigned. The administrative staff is governed by the policies of the District and is responsible for implementing the policies, regulations, and procedures that relate to their assigned responsibilities.


Cross References:

  • Board Policy 5010 Employee Conduct Rules

Legal References:

  • RCW 28A.150.240 Basic Education Act of 1977—Certificated teaching and administrative staff as accountable for classroom teaching--Scope—Responsibilities--Penalty
  •  28A.400.100 Principals and vice principals--Employment of--Qualifications--Duties
  •  28A.400.110 Principal to assure appropriate student discipline 
  •  28A.405 Teachers--General Provisions
  •  28A.405.100(2) Minimum criteria for the evaluation of certificated employees, including administrators--Procedure-- Scope--Penalty
  •  28A.405.230 Conditions and contracts of employment--Transfer of administrator to subordinate certificated positionProcedure
  • WAC 180-44 Teacher's Responsibilities
  • 42 U.S.C. § 12101 - 12213 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Adoption Date: 10/28/99, Revised 10/08/15 

  • bargaining