Policy Details Page
Regulation 5000R
Human Resources
Affirmative Action Plan
The needs of all persons in a pluralistic society must be understood in order to continue to create an employment atmosphere compatible with and receptive to all persons. The following goals will assure that a meaningful educational experience may continue to exist for students and staff alike. The District will:
A. Make efforts to modify the composition of the future work force in order to work toward a full utilization of aged, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, women and Vietnam veterans in the various job categories.
B. Ensure that all applicants and staff are considered on the basis of bona fide job-related qualifications. The purpose of the affirmative action plan is to actively include persons of under-utilized classes in the employment process, not to exclude others from it. The District will continue to emphasize in all recruitment contacts that nondiscrimination is a basic element in the District’s personnel procedures.
C. Be responsible for reviewing all employment procedures and programs to assure that there is no indication of discriminatory practices. The District will continue to use aged, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, women and veterans in the recruitment and employment process. Job descriptions for classified staff will be sent to the Washington Employment Service and other organizations which are recruiting sources for groups that may be under-utilized in the District’s work force. Recruitment from colleges and universities will include institutions with high percentages of students of various ethnic minorities.
D. Contract and purchase all goods and services from persons, agencies, vendors, contractors and organizations who comply with the appropriate laws and executive orders regarding discrimination.
E. Take appropriate action to attract and retain aged, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, women and veterans at all levels and in all segments of the District’s work force. Criteria for selecting staff will be reviewed regularly to assure that such statements relate directly to the requirements for specific positions. However, pursuant to state law, there will be no preferential employment practices based on race or gender.
F. Upgrade present staff by providing management development training to assure that individuals of under-utilized groups are prepared for positions of new and increased responsibility.
Implementation of the affirmative action plan will be the responsibility of the Superintendent. Administrators will assist in the attainment of the established goals and purposes of this affirmative action plan.
The District will disseminate information concerning employment and developments under the affirmative action plan on a planned basis to assist in achieving the goals set forth in this plan. Affirmative action information will be disseminated by:
A. Printing and distributing such information to staff, school libraries and offices;
B. Publicizing such information in District newsletters;
C. Conducting meetings with administrative staff to explain the intent and advantages of the policy and plan;
D. Conducting faculty meetings and meetings with classified staff;
E. Informing appropriate and interested recruiting and hiring sources; and
F. Informing all representative staff groups in the District.
Internal Audit and Monitoring System
The Human Resources Department, in compliance with Chapter 162-12, WAC, Pre-employment Inquiry Guide, will record by age, race, sex and other protected groups applicant flow, new hires, promotions, transfer requests, transfers, administrative internships and terminations. An analysis will be made of the internal and external work force availability of aged, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities and women.
The District will evaluate the effectiveness of the nondiscrimination and affirmative action program and report its status periodically to the Board. Such reports may include recommendations for changes in the affirmative action program goals. The overall responsibility for monitoring and auditing this policy is assigned to the District office. The duties include:
A. Analysis of the categories of employment in relation to affirmative action goals;
B. Analysis of work force data and applicant flow;
C. Maintaining records relative to affirmative action information;
D. Preparation of semiannual reports of progress toward the goals and recommended changes required to maintain the vitality of the program;
E. Identifying in a written report to the Superintendent any employment practice or policy that is discriminatory or that does not meet the requirements of the affirmative action program; and
F. Keeping the Superintendent advised of the progress in implementing the goals and procedures of this affirmative action program.
Adopted Date: 6/22/2004 as Part of Regulation 5265R
Revised Dates: 1/22/2013, 11/03/2015
Removed from 5265R 8/24/2017
- hiring
- staff