Policy Details Page

Regulation 4260R

  • The use of school buildings, grounds, and facilities by outside groups shall be administered by the District’s Maintenance and Operations department.
  • All outside groups desiring to use district facilities must complete and submit a district Request/Authorization for Use of School Facility/Field form and a certificate of insurance, as addressed in 7 to the office at the facility being requested for use. Request for use of district facilities with synthetic fields must be requested through the district’s Department of Student Life rather than the school the synthetic field is located closest to. There will be no exceptions to the written application process. Requests should be presented at least 30 days in advance of the date desired.
  • So long as the district allows outside groups to use its school buildings, grounds and facilities, it will provide equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following district official has been designated to handle inquires regarding the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act:

    Chief Operating Officer
    Tacoma Public Schools
    P.O. Box 1357
    Tacoma, WA 98401-1357
    (253) 571-3300
  • Use of school facilities are placed into one of three categories: no charge, reimbursement cost, and payment of rent. No charge: as long as custodial staff is on regular duty and no additional district support is needed. Typical are: school-related activities, community functions, park district functions, scouts, non-profit and charitable groups, school employees for professional development or recreational activities, alumni reunions.
  • Reimbursement of district direct costs. Typical are: activities scheduled when custodial staff are not normally working or when technical, Nutrition Services, security or maintenance staff is required.
  • Payment of rent. Typical are: when admission is charged for an event, when rental is of a public hall nature such as entertainment, advertising and demonstrations, dealers meeting, church lectures, for-profit organizations, college/university use.
  • Applicants will provide proof of coverage for comprehensive general liability insurance for bodily injury, with the school district named as an additional insured. The group in whose name the permit is issued is responsible for damage done to school property.
  • The district reserves the right to cancel any permit issued and to refund any payment made for the use of facilities where it deems such action advisable and in the best interests of the school district, or to modify its policies at any time.
  • All rental fees shall be paid at the Maintenance and Operations at least two weeks of scheduled use.
  • Groups or organizations requesting the use of district facilities after normal working hours, weekends or holidays, will be charged labor and custodial costs, utilities and an extra cover charge if heating is required.
  • The use of district equipment such as computers during the use of district facilities shall be subject to approval and payment of a district-established fee.
  • The use of tobacco, the use of intoxicants and the use of drugs, profane, indecent language or disorderly conduct on school property is prohibited. Failure on the part of organizations to enforce this regulation shall be considered sufficient cause to refuse further use of school buildings to the offending organizations. Applicants must assume responsibility for compliance with these rules and for any damage which may be done to the property.
  • Radio and television broadcasts of events may be permitted, upon written request, under the following conditions: Requests for permission to broadcast any event will be cleared by the department of Maintenance and Operations and respective school or department prior to granting of facility use permit. Request must be made at least two weeks prior to the date of the event. Arrangements for broadcast lines, television cables, booths, construction of towers, platforms, and electrical outlets must be made with the director of Maintenance and Operations. Applicants must assume responsibility for any costs incurred by the district for such broadcasts and for any damages which may be done to property and equipment by such broadcasts.
  • The department of Maintenance and Operations shall prepare necessary facilities/equipment rental fee schedules which are to be submitted to the board of directors for approval. This rental fee schedule will apply to the use of school auditoriums for classes, lectures, concerts, motion pictures, theatricals, entertainment, advertising demonstrations, manufacturers’ dealer meetings, church lectures and meetings for promotion or advancement of their own organization or denomination and political meetings by an individual candidate or a single recognized political party for exclusively individual or party use, for which public halls generally are rented, and in particular to every event to which an admission charge or fee is made, or at which a collection is to be taken for the purpose of compensating the lectures, performers or organizations other than as provided.
  • Auditoriums may be rented by community organizations for meetings for advancement of community projects or programs, for non-partisan political meetings, for meetings by character-building organization other than for advancement of their own group, sect or denomination (for which the public hall rental school apply); meetings by city or their governmental bodies, free concerns, graduations by colleges, hospitals, parochial schools and all events to which an admission charge is made with the entire proceeds going to a recognized charitable organization.
  • Meetings of the state and county school directors’ associations and other educational organizations and meetings called by the Educational Service District, and by district recognized bargaining groups, shall be granted without cost. Principals may approve the use of school classrooms, auditoriums or gymnasiums by groups of school employees for professional or recreational activities if no additional expenses for custodial service or heat are involved. If additional costs are incurred it will be the responsibility of the renter to reimburse the district.
  • Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Campfire Girls and similar non-sectarian, nonprofit and charitable groups organized for the benefit of district students may use district facilities at no cost.
  • Parent-Teacher-Student Associations, preschool associations and local building school community groups will not be charged for the use of district facilities during normal working hours and not requiring staff to work overtime.
  • High schools alumni associations may be granted the use of district facilities at no cost during normal working hours or on a cost-reimbursement basis on weekends and holidays.
  • Sunday school or religious services may be held in schools when other quarters are not available. A reasonable rental plus reimbursement for heat, lights and custodial services will be required. Definite plans for construction of their own facilities must be indicated to the Maintenance and Operations department and on file before approval can be granted.
  • The rental charge for the use of any facility with synthetic facilities/fields for athletic events, entertainment, concerts, lectures, addresses, conventions, shows, etc., shall be as based on approved fee schedule, plus reimbursement of expenditures made by the school district in preparing, operating and cleaning of such facilities/fields in connection with such events. When other governmental branches or civic organizations desire the use of synthetic facilities/fields for addresses, concerts, demonstrations or displays which are free to the public, they may have the use of said facilities/fields buy reimbursing the school district for actual expenditures incurred in preparing, operating and cleaning the facilities/fields. All concessions at synthetic facilities will be operated by the school district, or its designee, for the benefit of the high school activity funds. Permission to use synthetic facilities/fields or any other school facility carries with it the obligation on the part of the user to honor all life passes issued to present and former school board members pursuant to the resolution of the school board adopted May 11, 1933.
  • Gymnasiums, when not required by the district or the school district/park district cooperative recreation program, may be rented for games at which an admission is charged. The building rental charge will be based on an approved fee schedule.
  • Dinners or special meals may not be served in the school lunchrooms except when sponsored by the school-affiliated PTSA, PTA, Booster Clubs or preschool groups, professional organizations or other groups upon approval of the school district. Light refreshments may be served after PTSA, PTA or preschool groups, provided prior arrangements have been made with the lunchroom cook-manager.
  • Swimming pools, when not required for the schools or the school district/park district cooperative recreation program, are available for use by outside groups at established rental fees. Renters must furnish the required lifeguard services and their own towels.
  • When Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) schools are involved in sub-district, district-regional or state meets, the district will assume necessary custodial, maintenance, heating and lighting costs incurred in conducting qualifying events in district facilities. When outside schools are involved in any other events conducted in district schools, the district will provide services as stated above. However, any revenue over and above expenses for running the event, i.e. gate help, officials, meet manager, etc. will be remitted to the finance office to defray the costs of the above services provided by the district together with an itemized accounting of income and expenses.
  • During presidential election years, when major political parties are required to hold caucuses, as provided in RCW 29.13.010, no rental fee shall be charged.
  • Gyms, playgrounds, athletic fields and school facilities use will be in accordance with the following guidelines and conditions:

    Authorized use of the playground and athletic fields, in Tacoma School District No. 10, will be granted after application is made by completing a “Request / Authorization for Use of School Facilities / Fields” form” and providing appropriate certificate of liability insurance. This form is available at school district sites. The application will be submitted to the site administrators for his/her approval. The documents will then be forwarded to the department of Maintenance and Operations for final approval.

    The following will have priority of use of school district facilities:
    • Priority use of designated facilities will be given to each school at their site.
    • Tacoma School District No. 10 student activities from other buildings.
    • Requests for use of school district facilities by the Metropolitan Park District as per interlocal agreement.
    • Request for use of school district facilities by local youth organizations. (A local youth organization is defined as any group consisting of students (k-12) having 75% of their members residing within the Tacoma School District No. 10.
    • Requests for an authorization for use of school facilities will be granted for other groups in the following order of priority:
    • Request for use of school facilities by other school districts.
    • Request for use of school district facilities by local universities and colleges (University of Puget Sound, Pacific Lutheran University, and Tacoma Community College.)
    • Request for use of school facilities by local adult non-profit groups. (A local adult group is defined as any group above grade 12 having 75% of its members residing within the Tacoma School District No. 10 operating under a non-profit status).
    • Request for use of school facilities by outside youth groups. (Outside youth groups (k-12) are those participants in which 25% or more reside outside of the Tacoma School District No. 10.
    • Request for use of school facilities by non-local adult, non-profit groups (A non-local group is defined as any group above grade 12 having 25% or more of its members residing outside the school district.)
    • Request for use by commercial groups. (A commercial group is defined as any group or business licensed to do business within the State of Washington.

The site administrator is authorized to develop a system at his/her site to ensure that:

  • No authorizations for use of school facilities will be granted for more than sixty days in advance.
  • An authorization will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • No group will be authorized for more than two times a week if other groups are requesting the facility.


  • A student or a group of students who wish to conduct a meeting on school premises during the non-instructional time shall file an application for permission for the meeting with the principal of the school building at which the meeting is to be held. The application shall state:
    1. The name and address of the student or students and an affirmation by the person preparing the application that the student(s) has voluntarily initiated the meeting.
    2. A description of the type of meeting and a statement of purpose and an estimate of expected attendance. This should be accompanied by a copy of any material used to advertise the meeting.

If a non-school attendee is to be in attendance, his or her name and address must be furnished, along with the organization with which he or she is affiliated, if any. If the meeting is a religious one, the non-school attendee shall furnish an affirmation that he is not directing, conducting or regularly attending the activity. The name of the faculty or staff sponsor/monitor of the meeting (if required) and if the meeting is for religious purposes, affirmation by that person that he/she is not participating in the meeting.

  • The principal shall approve the meeting if the application is so filled out and if determined that:
    • The meeting is voluntary and student-initiated.
    • The meeting will not materially and substantially interfere with the orderly conduct of the school’s educational activities.
    • Employees of the district are present at religious meetings in a non-participatory capacity.
    • Non-school persons are not directing, controlling or regularly attending the activity.
    • There is no school influence on the form or content of any prayer or religious activity during a meeting for those purposes.
    • No person will be required to participate in prayer or other religious activity during a meeting or activity.
    • No employee will be compelled to attend a meeting if the content at the speech at the meeting is contrary to his/her beliefs.
    • If the request is submitted, forms are received at least three days prior to the requested meeting.
    • Information on facility, equipment fee schedules, auditorium capacities, playfield information is available at the department of Maintenance and Operations.
    • The director of buildings and grounds will be responsible for developing and maintaining necessary operating procedures for the use of district facilities by outside groups.

Amended 1/22/13

  • 4620R
  • buildings
  • facilities
  • grounds
  • gym
  • policy
  • policy handbook
  • policy manual
  • rent
  • school
  • use