Policy Details Page
Regulation 4220R
The Superintendent welcomes constructive criticism of school policies, programs, or personnel when it is motivated by a sincere desire to improve the quality of the educational process and to assist the schools in performing their tasks more effectively. To better facilitate this process, the Superintendent shall designate one person in the district to serve as the Complaint Officer. The Complaint Officer shall determine whether a complaint should be considered a complaint against the district and or an individual employee, and whether it should be resolved by the district’s process for complaints concerning personnel and/or other district procedures.
Most complaints can be resolved by informal discussions between the citizen and the staff member. Every effort should be made to resolve a complaint at the earliest possible stage. Whenever possible, the complainant should communicate directly to the employee in order to resolve concerns. Should the matter not be resolved, the immediate supervisor shall attempt to resolve the issue through a conference with the citizen and, as the supervisor deems appropriate, the staff member. Official complaints will be processed only after the member of the public has attempted to resolve the issue at the lowest level.
The following regulations apply to the processing of a complaint which cannot be resolved in the manner described above:
- If the problem is not satisfactorily resolved at the building or departmental level, the citizen must file a written complaint, using the Public Complaint Form, with the Complaint Officer, which describes the problem and specifies a suggested solution. If the complainant is unable to prepare the complaint in writing, administrative staff shall help him/her to do so. The Complaint Officer shall send copies to the administrator and staff member.
- The supervisor and staff member shall respond to the Complaint Officer in writing or in person.
- The Complaint Officer shall then attempt to resolve the matter.
- If the matter is still not resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction, the citizen shall submit a written request to the Complaint Officer. The Complaint Officer will consult with the superintendent, who will make a recommendation to the Board. If the complaint is against a staff member, the complaint shall be handled in executive session. The Board may uphold the Superintendent’s decision without hearing the complaint. The Board shall make final determination of the matter. Any formal actions by the Board must take place at an open meeting. The decision of the Board shall be final.
Adoption Date: 12/7/89
Revised: 2/11/99
Revised: 9/18/06