Policy Details Page

Regulation 3520R

Student fee schedules for individual buildings must be approved on an annual basis. Each building shall submit an annual report which includes a report indicating the fees collected by each department. In establishing fees for classes, the following guidelines shall be used:  

A.  Class registration literature shall describe fees for each class or activity and the process for obtaining a waiver or fee reduction as established by the principal, consistent with this procedure.

B.  A fee may be collected for any program in which the resultant product is in excess of minimum requirements and, at the student's option, becomes the personal property of the student. Fees may not exceed the cost of the materials. The District shall furnish materials for those introduc­tory units of instruction where a student is acquiring the fundamental skills for the course. A student must be able to obtain the highest grade offered for the course without being required to purchase extra materials.

C.  A fee may be collected for personal physical education and athletic equipment, apparel and towels or towel service. However, any student may provide their own if it meets reasonable requirements and standards relating to health and safety.

D.  A reasonable fee, not to exceed the actual annual maintenance cost, for the use of musical instruments and uniforms owned or rented by the District may be collected.

E.  Students may be required to furnish personal or consumable items including, but not limited to, pencils, paper, erasers or notebooks.

F.  Security deposits for the return of materials or equipment may be col­lected. Provisions shall be made to return the deposit when the student returns the item at the conclusion of the school term.

G.  A fee may be collected for a unit of instruction where the activity necessitates the use of facilities not available on the school premises, and participation in the course is optional on the part of the student.

Fees shall not be levied for:

A.        Field trips required as part of a basic educational program or course.

B.        Textbooks (nonconsumable) which are designated as basic instructional material for a course of study.

C.        Instructional costs for necessary staff employed in any course or educa­tional program.

Fee waivers and reductions shall be granted to students whose families would have difficulty paying by reason of their income or other circumstances. The USDA Child Nutrition Program qualification guidelines may be one factor to determine eligibility for a fee waiver or reduction.

Fines or damage charges may be levied for lost textbooks, library books, assigned laptop computers or equipment.

A charge for lost or damaged materials or equipment may be appealed to the school director for the school level. Care shall be exercised by advising students and their parents/guardians, in writing, regarding the nature of the damages, how restitution may be made, and how a student or their parents/guardians may request a hearing.

All fees shall be deposited with the Finance Office on a regular basis. The respective departments and schools shall be credited by the amount of their deposit.

Approval Date: 11/21/2000

Revised Date: 9/07/2021