Policy Details Page
Policy 3510
PURPOSE: This policy supports the District’s goal for all students to have access and participate in extracurricular activities, regardless of family resources, including school-based athletic programs and other optional noncredit school clubs, as a part of enriching a student’s educational experience. Student participation in these types of activities help to promote their social emotional well-being and academic success.
An associated student body (ASB) will be formed in each school within the District whenever one or more students in that school engage in money-raising activities with the approval and at the direction or under the supervision of the District.
An ASB will be a formal organization of students, including sub-components or affiliated student groups. Each ASB will submit a constitution and bylaws to the School Board for approval. The constitution and bylaws will identify how student activities become approved as student body activities and establish standards for their supervision, governance, and financing. Subject to such approval process, any lawful activity that promotes the educational, recreational, or cultural growth of students as an optional extracurricular or co-curricular activity may be considered for recognition as an ASB activity. Any lawful fundraising practices that are consistent with the goals of the District and that do not bring disrespect to the District or its students may be acceptable methods and means for raising funds for student body activities. The School Board may act or delegate the authority to a staff member to act as the ASB for any school that contains no grade higher than grade six.
The school principal will designate a staff member as the primary advisor to the ASB and assure that all groups affiliated with the ASB have an advisor assigned to assist them. Advisors will have the authority and responsibility to intervene in any activities that are inconsistent with District policy, ASB standards, student safety, or accepted standards of behavior in the community. When in doubt, advisors will consult with the school principal regarding the propriety of proposed student activities. Student activities cannot include support or opposition to any political candidate or ballot measure.
Each ASB will prepare and submit annually a budget for the support of the ASB program and the grand total of all ASB budgets are submitted to the School Board for approval. All property and money acquired by ASBs will be District funds and will be deposited and disbursed from the District’s ASB program fund.
Student groups may conduct fund-raising activities, including but not limited to soliciting donations, in their private capacities for the purpose of generating nonassociated student body program fund moneys. These funds will be held in trust in one or more separate accounts within an ASB program fund and can be disbursed for scholarships, charitable purposes and student exchanges. Solicitation of funds for nonassociated student body program fund purposes must be voluntary and must be accompanied by notice of the intended use of the proceeds and the fact that the District will hold the funds in trust for their intended purpose. Nonassociated student body program fund moneys will be disbursed as determined by the group raising the money. Private nonassociated student body program funds will be held in trust by the District for the purposes indicated during the fundraising activities until the student group doing the fundraising requests disbursement of the funds and the accounts of the fundraising are complete and reconciled.
The School Board may establish and collect a fee from students and nonstudents as a condition to their attendance at, or participation in, any optional noncredit extracurricular District event of a cultural, social, recreational, or athletic nature. If the Board establishes such a fee or fees, the Superintendent or designee will establish a procedure for waiving fees for students who are eligible to participate in the federal free or reduced-price meals program and for reducing fees for students’ family members and other nonstudents sixty-five or older. Procedures to waive ASB fees will be discrete in order to protect confidentiality of a student’s family resources or free and reduced lunch status. Fees collected pursuant to this paragraph shall be deposited in the ASB program fund of the District.
Cross References: |
Policy 2150 - Co-Curricular Program |
Policy 3515 - Student Incentive Policy |
Policy 4200 - Safe and Orderly Learning Environment |
Policy 6020 - System of Funds and Accounts |
Legal References: |
RCW 28A.325.010 Fees for optional noncredit extracurricular events—Disposition |
RCW 28A.325.020Associated student bodies — Powers and responsibilities affecting |
RCW 28A.325.030Associated student body program fund — Fundraising activities — Nonassociated student body program fund moneys |
Chapter 392-138 WAC Finance — Associated student body moneys |
RCW 28A.325.050 Associated student body program fund — Publication of information on school District website |
Adoption Date: 6/22/2000
Revised Date: 10/28/2021