Policy Details Page

Regulation 3417R

The State Department of Health has established the following rules:

  • The student's medical file shall contain a written request from the parent(s) or guardian for the clean, intermittent catheterization of the student.
  • The student's medical file shall contain written permission from the parent(s) or guardian for the performance of the clean, intermittent catheterization procedure by the nonlicensed school employee.
  • The student's medical file shall contain a current written order for clean, intermittent catheterization from the student's physician and shall include written instruction for the procedure. The order shall be reviewed and/or revised each school year.
  • A staff member shall agree in writing to perform clean, intermittent bladder catheterization.
  • A letter of refusal to perform clean, intermittent bladder catheterization may not serve as grounds for discharge, non-renewal, or other action adversely affecting the employees employment contract.
  • A registered nurse shall develop instructions specific for the needs of the student. These shall be made available to the nonlicensed school employee(s) and shall be updated each school year.
  • The supervision of the self-catheterizing student shall be based on the needs of the student and the skill of the nonlicensed school employee.
  • Health Services shall make documentation of the catheterization training given to employees and make it available for auditing purposes.
  • A registered nurse shall be responsible for the training of the nonlicensed school employees who are assigned to perform clean, intermittent catheterization of the students.
  • The training of the nonlicensed school employee shall include but not be limited to:
    • An initial in-service training, of a length to be determined by the registered nurse;
    • An update of the instructions and a review of the procedure each school year; 
    • Anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the urinary system including common anomalies for the age group served by the employee;
    • Techniques common to the urinary catheterization procedure;
    • Identification and care of the required equipment;
    • Common signs and symptoms of infection and recommended procedures to prevent the development of infections;
    • Identification of the psychosocial needs of the parent/guardian and the students with emphasis on the needs for privacy and confidentiality;
    • Documentation requirements.
    • Communication skills including the requirements for reporting to the registered nurse or the physician.
    • Medications commonly prescribed for the clean, intermittent catheterization patient and their side effects.
    • Contraindications for clean, intermittent catheterization and the procedure to be followed if the nonlicensed school employee is unable to catheterize the student.
    • Training in catheterization specific to the student's needs.
    • Developmental growth patterns of the age group served by the employee.
    • Utilization of a teaching model to demonstrate catheterization techniques with return demonstration performed by the nonlicensed school employee, if a model is available.
    • The training of the nonlicensed school employee shall be documented.

Approved: 11/21/00
Revised 11/25/03 

  • health