Policy Details Page

Regulation 3243R

High school students may drive vehicles to and from school. Middle school students are prohibited from bringing vehicles to school. A student may not drive during the school day without the consent of the parent and principal. A student may transport another student during the school day only with the consent by the student passenger’s parent and if consistent with the terms of the student’s driver’s license.

A student may use the school parking lot if space is available and designated for student parking subject to the following conditions:

  • A student must register the car in the school office. The student must possess a valid Washington driver's license and show evidence that there is a liability and property damage insurance coverage on the vehicle and acknowledge that he/she will assume full responsibility for any comprehensive or collision claims that may occur while on school property.
  • Students may not occupy a vehicle without permission during the school day.
  • In terms of student conduct rules, "possession" of alcoholic beverages, drugs/illegal chemical substances or opiates, firearms or a dangerous weapon also extends to a student's vehicle.

A student who does not conform to the above rules shall be subject to disciplinary action. Parking on school district property is at the owner’s/driver’s own risk. The school district does not assume responsibility for damage to or loss of privately owned vehicles or property in vehicles.

Adoption Date: 10/3/01
Revised: 7/10/01