Policy Details Page
Policy No. 3141
A non-resident student is one who resides in another public school district. This policy establishes the conditions by which a nonresident student may be admitted to the Tacoma School District. This policy is to be administered by fair and equitable standards.
- Homeless children will be allowed to attend school in the district, in accordance with RCW 28A.225.215.
- Nonresident children of full-time certificated and classified district employees who are assigned to school buildings will be allowed to enroll at the school in the district school to which the employee is assigned or the elementary, middle or high school associated with that school’s address unless one of the following conditions exist:
- The student’s records indicate a history of convictions for offenses or crimes, violent or disruptive behavior, or gang membership;
- The student has been expelled or suspended from a public school for more than 10 consecutive days; or
- The student’s enrollment would displace a child who is a resident of the district. Nonresident students of full-time employees who choose to enroll in the district will be permitted to remain enrolled at that school, or in the district's kindergarten through 12th-grade continuum until he or she has completed his or her schooling unless the employee is no longer employed by the district.
- Nonresident students may be allowed to attend school in the district only if the anticipated needs of the district’s resident students can first be met. Applications for nonresident admission shall be submitted annually and reviewed based upon the following standards:
- Whether the admission of any nonresident student would result in a financial hardship for the district;
- Whether the availability/capacity of existing services, space in the grade level, class(es) or program at the building in which the student desires to be enrolled and other considerations can properly address the educational needs of the nonresident student;
- Whether there is a reasonable chance the student’s attendance, citizenship, and academic progress will be satisfactory, taking into account the records from the student’s previous school; Whether the student's records indicate a history of violent or disruptive behavior, gang membership or convictions for offenses or crimes.
- Whether the student’s attendance in the district would likely create a risk to the health or safety of students or staff;
- Whether the student has been expelled or suspended from a public school for more than 10 consecutive days, in which case the student may apply for admission under the district's policy for readmission of expelled students;
- Whether the parent can provide transportation for the student, except when it is a necessary related service.
- Enrollment of a nonresident student may be rescinded if:
- It is discovered that the information provided was incomplete or has changed since the time the application was considered and/or was materially misrepresented on the application;
- The student chooses to enter the Running Start Program and enrolls full time at a community or technical college;
- The student is expelled from the district under the applicable disciplinary process; or
- The student is excessively tardy or truant or if the student frequently engages in misconduct, and or disruptive behavior in violation of school rules.
The board of directors must ratify all nonresident admissions.
The district office responsible for processing applications for nonresident admissions shall provide information on nonresident admission on request.
The superintendent is authorized to establish the process for annually reviewing applications for nonresident admissions, including when applications may be submitted. In addition, the superintendent is authorized to formulate fair and equitable admission standards for specific programs and schools, including, but not limited to, International Baccalaureate and the School of the Arts.
This policy shall not apply to students admitted to the district pursuant to an interdistrict cooperation agreement.
This policy was originally adopted June 28, 1990, and subsequently has been revised.
Cross References:
- Board Policy 3120 Enrollment
Legal References:
- WAC 392-137 Finance--Nonresident attendance
Adoption Date: 3/24/05