Regulation 3124R
The removal of a student during the school day may be authorized in accordance with the following procedures:
- Law enforcement officers, upon proper identification, may remove a student from school only with a valid judicial warrant or court order, unless there is an immediate threat to student, school, or public safety. If a warrant or court order is presented, it must be reviewed by the Superintendent or designee, which may include counsel for the District. If a law enforcement officer removes a student from school, the student’s parent or guardian should be contacted as soon as possible, except when the student is removed due to allegations of abuse or neglect by the parent or guardian, or as otherwise prohibited by law.
- Any other agency must have a written administrative or court order directing the school district to give custody to them, excepting child welfare or medical emergency responders for health or safety reasons. School staff must review the identification of the agency representative and verify the order’s authenticity with the Superintendent or designee, or counsel for the District before the student shall be released.
- A student shall be released to the residential parent. When in doubt as to who has such rights, school enrollment records must be relied upon. The parent or guardian has the responsibility to furnish schools with accurate, up to date information.
- The school should always receive notification or authorization from the residential parent before releasing the student to a nonresidential parent.
- Prior written authorization from the residential parent or guardian is required before releasing a student into someone else's custody, unless an emergency situation justifies a waiver.
- In general, students may only leave campus during school hours with parent/guardian consent. Exceptions include transportation by authorized school staff for regular school activities, sports, or field trips, or when removed by child welfare or medical emergency responders for health or safety reasons.
If a student must be removed from campus without prior parent or guardian consent, the school will immediately notify the parent or guardian of the removal, except in cases of suspected abuse or neglect by the parent or guardian.
Consistent with District Regulation 3418R: Emergency Evaluation and Communication, during medical emergencies where a parent or guardian cannot be reached, school administrators will determine appropriate medical transport based on the situation’s urgency, continue attempts to contact the parent or guardian and emergency contacts, and ensure the student is accompanied by staff when possible.
Approval Date: 2/6/2001
Revised Date: 1/30/2025