Policy Details Page

Policy No. 2406

Tacoma Public Schools believes all students can be successful and recognizes that students have different learning needs. Partnerships between home and school are critical in identifying special needs, providing essential support and appropriate academic acceleration.

All Tacoma Public Schools Pre K-12 core courses are aligned to the State Standards, internationally benchmarked and designed to ensure all students graduate from high school college-ready. All classes will be taught to the same standards but divergent opportunities to demonstrate mastery of standards will be available and may include online, independent study and blended learning courses. 
Tacoma Public Schools believes all students should have access to accelerated programs or courses.  This may include access to Advanced Placement (AP) International Baccalaureate (IB) Running Start (RS) or College in the High School (CitHS) courses. Honors teaching strategies should be reflected in all courses taken by students to prepare them for advanced courses and shall be noted on the high school transcript. 
Beginning in the 2014-2015 academic year, multiple measures will be used for automatic student enrollment in accelerated programs or courses. State assessments in reading, writing, math and science will be used as an initial screener to determine placement. Student performance on the College Board ReadiStep and PSAT as well as cumulative grade point average will also be utilized in placement into accelerated programs or courses. None of the measures used for automatic enrollment shall preclude or limit any student from self-selection.  
The Superintendent or designee shall establish standards for automatic enrollment from one grade level, grade span or course to the next. The Superintendent shall further recommend district, school and community support to ensure student success.  The standards and support programs will be communicated to the public, parents, staff and students annually at the beginning of the school year. 
Legal Reference:  

  • Senate Bill 5243 (2013) 

Adoption Date:  6/27/2013 

  • psat
  • readistep