Policy Details Page
Policy 2190
The Tacoma School District is committed to fostering an educational environment that recognizes and nurtures the unique talents and abilities of each student and promotes the development of a positive attitude toward self and others. In alignment with this commitment, the purpose of the Highly Capable Services Policy is to ensure that students identified for Highly Capable services receive an education that meets their distinct academic needs.
In accordance with the Tacoma Public School District’s mission and vision, the Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures consistent with state guidelines for Highly Capable students and shall provide appropriate instructional programs to meet the needs of gifted and talented students. The framework objectives include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Prioritizing equitable assessment and identification of Highly Capable students through universal screening and referral processes.
• A reflection of district demographics.
• Curriculum and pedagogy that cultivate intellectual skills and creativity.
• Ongoing professional development and support.
The Board will annually approve the district’s highly capable plan consistent with the legal requirements in WAC 392-170. The district’s plan may include: a fiscal report, a description of the program services offered, a description of the program goals, a description of the program evaluation, the number of students the district expects to serve by grade level, the district’s plan to equitably identify students, and assurances that the district is legally compliant.
Cross Reference:
Policy 1600 Anti-Racism
Policy 3111 Non-Discrimination and Equity
Legal References:
RCW 28A.185.030 Programs - Authority of local School Districts Selection of students
WAC 392-170 Special service program – Highly capable students
HB 5072 Highly Capable Students-Identification
Management Resources:
Policy and Legal News, September 2013. Highly Capable Program WAC overhauled
Policy News, April 2008 Highly Capable Programs
Adoption Date: 1/27/2000
Revised Date: 4/23/2015, 2/22/2024