Policy Details Page
Regulation 2185R
Tuition-based Kindergartens
Elementary schools shall annually assess parent interest in the full-day tuition-based kindergarten program in order to determine if costs for the program can be covered by tuition. A district-wide budget shall be developed to establish program costs.
Schools that are certified by the Department of Social and Health Service (DSHS) shall comply with licensing requirements mandated by the state. A district employee shall be designated to serve as a liaison between DSHS and licensed schools.
Parents wishing to enroll their children in a tuition-based full-day program shall complete an “Extended-Day Kindergarten” agreement at the time of registration. The agreement will outline requirements for the registration fee, tuition payments, and consequences for late fees or nonpayment. Parents shall be expected to comply with the agreement in order to maintain full-day enrollment for their child.
The District’s cash handling procedures shall be followed for processing registration fees, monthly tuition, and late fees. Annual training on bookkeeping procedures shall be provided to all bookkeeping staff involved with tuition-based programs. Training shall include cash-handling procedures, systems for recording tuition payments, and current procedures for submitting DSHS subsidy claims.
District Funded Full-Day Kindergartens
The superintendent or designee shall determine the use of other districts, state, or federal funds as allowable to support full-day programs at schools with large populations of identified academically at-risk students.
Registration Process for Full-Day Kindergartens
Priority for registration in full-day programs will be given to students who live in the school’s attendance area. Enrollment shall be opened to students living in the district if there are not enough students to fill a class within the school attendance area. The Early Learning Office in conjunction with the principal shall establish the in-area closing date for registration for students.
Approved 12/7/04