Policy Details Page

Regulation 2126R

Parents, teachers, administrators, and other community members, including but not limited to, persons from medical, public health, and mental health organizations and agencies, shall be consulted in developing the AIDS prevention education program.

AIDS prevention education shall be limited to the discussion of the life-threatening dangers of the disease, its spread, and its prevention. The curriculum for AIDS prevention education shall be designed to teach students which behaviors place a person dangerously at risk of infection with the immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and methods to avoid such risk, including, at least:
1. The dangers of drug abuse, especially that involving the use of hypodermic needles; and
2. The dangers of sexual intercourse, with or without condoms.

The program of AIDS prevention education shall stress the life-threatening dangers of contracting AIDS and shall stress that abstinence from sexual activity is the only certain means for the prevention of the spread or contraction of the AIDS virus through sexual contact. It shall also teach that condoms and other artificial means of birth control are not a certain means of preventing the spread of the AIDS virus and reliance on condoms puts a person at risk for exposure to the disease.

The district’s AIDS prevention education program shall include:

  1. Instructional objectives, specific curriculum content, and lesson plans;
  2. Resource materials and a list of appropriate outside speakers; and
  3. An identification of instructional settings, including assemblies and/or classes in health, science, and home and family life, that are appropriate for AIDS instruction, provided that students shall be taught about AIDS prevention at least once each school year beginning no later than the 5th grade.
  4. The curricula courses adopted, if not the model curricula and resources developed by OSPI, shall be approved for medical accuracy by the Office of AIDS, Department of Social and Health Services. In such a case, the superintendent or his or her designee shall submit to the AIDS office a copy of the curricula and an affidavit of medical accuracy stating that the material in the district-developed curricula has been compared to the model curricula and that, in the opinion of the district-developed materials are medically accurate. The superintendent or his/her designee shall submit any district adopted curricula (which is not the model curricula) to the Pierce County Health Officer for review in order to form a basis for its comparative opinion.
  5. At least one month prior to a substantial modification of the AIDS prevention education program, the superintendent or his/her designee shall conduct at least one presentation during weekend or evening hours for the parents and guardians of students concerning the curriculum materials that will be used in the AIDS prevention education program.

    The superintendent or his/her designee shall notify parents and guardians of the students about such a presentation and that the curricula and materials are available for inspection. A student may not be required to participate in the AIDS prevention education program if the student’s parent or guardian attends one of the presentations and objects in writing to the student’s participation.

Adoption Date: 10/18/00