Policy Details Page
Policy 2000
PURPOSE: This policy supports Tacoma Public Schools’ goal for Academic Excellence by providing opportunities for all secondary students to earn credit that can be applied towards high school graduation in all manners acceptable under the laws and regulations of the State of Washington. The District will be strategic, innovative and equitable in awarding credit needed to meet graduation requirements through multiple measures of student achievement. This policy recognizes the strengths, abilities and potential of Tacoma students preparing for their pursuit of post-secondary endeavors. The District recognizes the commitment of secondary school teachers, counselors and administrators in ensuring that every student understands and accesses their credit attainment opportunities.
(1) Successful completion of courses offered in at any of the high schools within the District;
(2) Successful completion of a course at the middle school that has been determined to be similar or equivalent a course offered at a high school within the district;
(3) Successful completion of Online Courses or Online School Programs approved by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) (Policy 2024 and Regulation 2024R);
(4) Satisfactory demonstration by a student of proficiency/competency. The following identify methods by which students can demonstrate proficiency/competency:
a. Successful completion of a Credit Recapture Course. Each Credit Recapture will identify the specific required learning standards the student is working to meet and the identified measure by which attainment of proficiency/competency will be demonstrated.
b. Passage of one of the following for World Language credit: Standards-Based Measure of Proficiency (STAMP) (available in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Mandarin); American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) for languages for which STAMP is not available; Sign Language Proficiency Interview for American Sign Language; and for languages that do not currently have any nationally available proficiency-based assessments, the District will work with the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and local language communities to identify a collection of evidence process to demonstrate proficiency. Proficiency for World Language credit is available for native languages, heritage languages and for students who have learned a language outside of the school day.
c. Passage of an Advanced Placement exam with a score of 3 or higher, or respectively meeting standard on International Baccalaureate exam;
d. Meeting identified cut scores by the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee on PSAT, SAT, and ACT exams;
e. Earning the State established cut score on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Earning SBA ELA assessment scores above the State established cut score will be recognized with Passing (P) grade for 9th and 10th grade Language Arts; Earning SBA Math assessment scores above the State established cut score will be recognized with a Passing (P) grade for Algebra and Geometry; and passing the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science will be recognized with a Passing (P) grade Biology or transcripted as an elective science course.
f. Successful completion;
g. Successful completion of a Classroom-Based Assessment to demonstrate competence in health, fitness and/or civics; art and;
h. Participation directed athletics, which includes both Tacoma Public Schools athletics programs and community-based organized athletics.
(5) Successful completion of college and university course work;
(6) Successful completion of Career and Technical Education courses at community/technical college that have been reviewed and approved for equivalency credit (Policy 2413);
(7) Successful completion of for correspondence or distance learning courses obtained from:
a. Schools that are members of the National University Continuing Education Association or accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council;
b.. Portable Assisted Study Sequence (PASS) Program;
c. Community colleges, technical colleges, four-year colleges and universities (either private or public), and approved private schools high schools in Washington state; and
d. Other schools or institutions, including electronically mediated schools or programs, which are approved by the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee.
(8) Successful completion of Alternative Learning Experience Courses (Policy 2255 and Regulation 2255R);
(9) Instruction provided by a contractor; (Regulation 2000.1R);
(10) National Guard - Participation in a national guard high school career training program for which credit is being given toward either required or elective high school credits pursuant to RCW 28A.300.165 and WAC 392-410-320.
(11) Ancillary service- Any co-curricular service or activity, any health care service or activity, and any other services or activities, for or in which enrolled students are served by appropriate school district staff. The term shall include, but not be limited to, counseling, psychological services, testing, remedial instruction, speech and hearing therapy, health care services, and if such service is provided by the district to students who are in a home-based instruction program.
(12) Work-based learning - Training provided pursuant to WAC 392-410-315 and reported as provided in WAC 392-121-124; and
(13) Running start - Attendance at an institution of higher education pursuant to RCW 28A.600.300 through 28A.600.400, chapter 392-169 WAC.
Cross Reference:
Policy 2024 – Online Learning
Policy 2255 – Alternative Learning Experience Programs
Policy 2413 – Equivalency Credit for Career and Technical Education Courses
Legal Reference:
RCW 28A.230.090 High School graduation requirements or equivalencies - High School and beyond plans - Career and college ready graduation requirements and waivers - Reevaluations of graduation requirements -Credit for courses taken before attending high school - Postsecondary credit equivalencies
RCW 28A.305.140 State Board of Education Waiver from provisions of RCW 28A.150.200 through 28A.150.220 Authorized
WAC 180-51-050 High school credit — definition
WAC 180-51-210 State subject and credit requirements for high school graduation
WAC 392-121-107 Definition — course of study
WAC 392-121-182 Alternative learning experience requirements
WAC 392-121-188 Instruction provided under contract
WAC 392-410-315 Equivalency course of study — credit for work based learning.
Adoption Date: 11/26/2012
Revised Date: 1/27/2022
- credit