Policy Details Page
Regulation 1310R
The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors may adopt or revise policies as needed due to changes to laws, regulations or recommendation from the Washington State School Directors Association (WSSDA). The Board may also adopt or revise policies to meet the needs of students, the District, its strategic plan or any other reason deemed appropriate by the Board. The same process may be applied to new and revised regulations that fall within The Board of Directors, Section 1000 as they pertain to the Board’s governance functions.
The Board directs the Superintendent or designee to create an Equity Policy Review Team in order to facilitate hearing from community voices that can provide feedback on inclusive language and practices. The Equity Policy Review Team should have representatives from diverse community groups representing the interests of people of color, and those who may be considered furthest from educational equity. The Equity Policy Review Team may use equity lens tools, such as those developed by the District, OSPI or the PSESD as they review draft policies.
The process for policy adoption or revision is:
1) The new policy or revision is drafted by an administrator under the direction of the Superintendent.
a. Language choices should be consistent with best practices for supporting equity. A model is the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) equity style guide.
b. References to relevant laws or regulations should be included as well as cross-references to other relevant policies.
c. Reference to the WSSDA model policy should be made if it is adopted without changes or if adopted with modifications
2) The member of the Superintendent’s Cabinet responsible for administration of the policy sends the policy or revision draft to the Legal Department for review.
3) The Legal Department shepherds the draft policy through additional review and partners with administrators as needed to incorporate the feedback. Additional review is sought from:
a. The Superintendent’s Cabinet;
b. Building Principals;
c. Equity Policy Review Team;
d. Community partners as relevant to the policy;
4) The Legal Department submits the draft policy for a first reading on the Board agenda and sends to the Board prior to the meeting. A copy of the draft policy is attached to the agenda.
5) The draft policy shall also be posted on the District’s website in a manner that members of the community may easily provide comment and feedback. The District website will be updated simultaneously with the first reading by the Board.
6) During first reading, Board members may provide comment and feedback which will be incorporated by the Legal Department. Discussion may be held surrounding feedback already received by the Superintendent’s Cabinet, Building Principals, Equity Policy Review Team and community members. The Board may ask for additional community feedback based upon the nature of the policy.
7) The Legal Department notes the revised draft policy for a second reading on the Board agenda and sends to the Board prior to the meeting. A copy of the draft policy is attached to the agenda. The District website will be updated simultaneously with the second reading by the Board.
8) If the policy is approved by the Board, the Legal Department distributes as follows:
a. Communications Department for distribution to administration;
b. Posts on the District website;
9) The official record copies will be retained in accordance with the directives provided by the Washington State Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (Official Agency Policy and Procedure Directives, Regulations and Rules GS50-01-24REV.1) and by the Public Records Manager.
Adopted Date 5/13/2021
Revised Date 8/19/2021