Report a Concern
Tacoma Public Schools is committed to providing a safe and civil learning environment for students and staff. If you have a concern about something that has happened to a student, please consider the steps below.
Contact your student's teacher or counselor. Find contact information on your school's website.
- Contact your student's principal and/or school director.
District policy, state law, and/or federal law requires a specific response depending on the conduct. Anyone can report harassment, intimidation, bullying or sexual harassment directed at a student by completing one of the forms below.
Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying
If you believe that an incident of harassment, intimidation or bullying is and/or has been directed at a student in the educational environment, please report the concern by completing the form below. Reports can be made anonymously.
Report Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying directed at a student
Sexual Harassment (Title IX)
If you believe that an incident of sexual harassment is and/or has been directed at a student in the educational environment, please report the concern by completing the form below. Reports can be made anonymously.
Additional Questions?
If you have questions about conduct directed at a student, please contact:
Wayne A. Greer
HIB Coordinator
(253) 571-1191
If you have questions about conduct directed at an adult, please contact:
Tiffany Davis-Brantley
Civil Rights Coordinator
(253) 571-1252
School Directors
- Elementary Schools
(253) 571-1032 - Secondary Schools
(253) 571-1191