Handbook Detail Page

Student Use of District Technology

The Tacoma School District offers students to access, through its district technology resources or personal digital devices, to library materials, databases, and the Internet. The district uses Internet filtering for all computers networked in district facilities. However, it is not possible to completely limit access to materials with inappropriate content. Therefore, it is important that each student’s parent or guardian carefully consider whether to permit his/her child to have access to the district’s technology resources or permit use of a personal digital device at school. The complete text of the Acceptable Use Policy for District Technology Resources (Policies 2022, 2022R, 20236973 and 6973R) are available on the district website, tacomaschools.org, or can be requested from the school.

The district reserves the right to review and monitor activity on the network for responsible use consistent with the district’s Acceptable Use of District Technology Resources Policy 6973, Regulation 6973R, and to remove a user’s privilege to access the network at any time the district determines that the user is engaged in unauthorized activity or violating the policy. Disciplinary action, if any, shall be consistent with the district’s policies and procedures. If you do not want the district to allow your child access to the Internet, check the appropriate box on the "Parent Request" form included in this handbook, sign and return it to your school’s principal by Sept. 30. By not completing and returning the form, you are granting permission for your child to access the district’s technology resources, including the Internet.

In using the district technology resources, students accept the responsibility to:

  • use the digital resources for educational purposes only;
  • abide by district policies and federal/state laws, including copyright laws;
  • adhere to school rules on use of the network and notify staff prior to using the Internet;
  • use good behavior; respect district property; do not destroy, modify, delete or add software to district computers without permission; and
  • use digital resources in a legal, moral and ethical manner. Do not use digital resources for illegal purposes to harass, intimidate or bully or to access or process obscene, pornographic or other inappropriate materials.

Devices are to be stored out of sight when not in use: Students are not to use technology devices, including, but not limited to, cameras, cell phones, portable entertainment systems or other electronic technology devices in a manner that disrupts the educational process, invades the privacy or rights of others, or violates district and/or school rules. Any device used in such a manner may be confiscated.

Inappropriate or lewd words or pictures shared or displayed via cell phone or any other electronic technology device is prohibited at school.

District workstations may not be altered without direct teacher permission. Vandalism (including destroying or changing files, illegal copying, damaging hardware), copyright violations or attempted access to unauthorized data or information is prohibited.

Possession or distribution of passwords other than the students own is prohibited. Distribution of knowledge (such as passwords or techniques) that may assist another person in damaging the network or inappropriately accessing material is also prohibited.

The inappropriate use of the internet connection, the district network or an individual workstation is prohibited. Examples of inappropriate behavior include, but are not limited to:

  • the accessing, downloading and distributing of inappropriate materials,
  • sharing or using materials that belong to another person, or
  • any other use incompatible with district policies or school rules.

Gaining access to a computer system or electronic database of another person is considered computer trespass (RCW 9A.52.110 and 9A.52.120). 

Use of district resources and equipment, including, but not limited to, computers and Internet access, are to be used for district purposes. Improper use may subject the student to loss of privileges and other disciplines, suspension, or expulsion, as appropriate.

Students and parents have access to Tacoma Public Schools’ technology help center at 253-571-4357 or HELP@tacoma.k12.wa.us for technology assistance 

Page last updated: 06/30/18

  • technology