Handbook Detail Page
Artificial Intelligence: Staff and students should be encouraged to use AI tools for brainstorming, creative stimulations, or preliminary research. However, the use of AI must be consistent with the requirements of Regulation 3240R “Student Conduct” that govern academic dishonesty and plagiarism.
- Academic Dishonesty – Academic dishonesty includes representing another’s language, ideas or thoughts as a student’s own work, or using unfair means to gain an advantage in coursework or other school activities.
- Assessments: Teachers are encouraged to allow students to use AI tools as a personal tutor or studying buddy to prepare for assessments. When students complete exams or quizzes, the teacher determines whether an AI tool is to be used. The teacher should explicitly state whether AI use is allowed.
- Citations, Disclosures, and Attributions: Instruction should emphasize the importance of ethical use of AI and the role of using and citing sources in assignments.
Athletics: To participate in middle and high school athletics, parent/ guardian must complete the registration form online, sign the athletic and activity contract, turn in a current sports physical, purchase an ASB card ($30 for HS and $15 for MS) and complete the concussion/sudden cardiac arrest form waiver, as well as the Informed consent waiver. All students must also show proof that they are covered by their family’s health insurance plan or by school-provided athletic insurance.
The academic standards for high school and middle school participation are described in Regulation 2151R. Complete eligibility requirements can be found on the athletics website, www.tacoma.k12.wa.us/information/departments/ athletics, in the school office or in the district athletic office. Denial of student attendance or participation in extracurricular activities is subject to due process requirements. (Policy 2151, Regulation 2151R) For additional information, see Regulation 2151R "Interscholastic Athletics" on the district website under School Board Policies, series 2000. If you do not have access to the athletics website to view these requirements, you may contact the athletics office at 253-571-1123.
Student organizations: Student organizations are limited to students enrolled at the school and are encouraged if the purposes and activities are consistent with the educational program of the district and are approved by the building principal.
Student driving and parking regulations: Parking regulations will be in effect at all high schools, except Tacoma School of the Arts. See the school principal for specific requirements. A student may not occupy a vehicle without permission or drive during the school day without the consent of the parent and principal. Middle school students are prohibited from bringing vehicles to school. (Policy 3243, Regulation 3243R)
Parking on school district property is at the owner’s/driver’s own risk. The school district does not assume responsibility for damage to or loss of privately owned vehicles or property in vehicles. (Policy 6540, Regulation 6540R, Policy 6550, Regulation 6550R)
Withholding grades, transcripts, and diplomas: A grade report, transcript or diploma will not be released until a student has made restitution for damages assessed as a result of losing or damaging school materials or equipment. If a student has transferred to another school district that has requested the student’s records, but the student has an outstanding fee or fine, only records pertaining to the student’s academic performance, special placement, immunization history and disciplinary actions shall be sent to the enrolling school. The grades, diploma and official transcript will not be released until the outstanding fee or fine is paid or, if the student and parent are unable to pay the damages, discharged under a program of voluntary work. (RCW 28A.225.330; Policy 3231 and Regulation 3231).
If the student or the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) does not pay for willful or malicious damage done by the student to district property, or complete voluntary work in lieu of payment of monetary damages, the district may seek recovery in court against the parents for the damage. (RCW 4.24.190, RCW 28A.635.060; Policy 3520 and Regulation 3520R)
Personal property: Students bringing personal property on to school district property do so at their own risk. The school district does not assume responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen property. (Policy 6540, Regulation 6540R)
Cooperation: Students will obey the lawful instructions of school district personnel and follow school and classroom rules. (RCW 28A.600.040)
Page last updated: 09/26/24
- athletics