Handbook Detail Page

Frequently Called Phone Numbers


Academic Equity & Access: 253-571-1068

Assessment: 253-571-3490

Athletics/ASB/Student Life: 253-571-1123

Attendance/Truancy: 253-571-1013

Bilingual Education (ESL): 253-571-1415

Bus Route Information (Tacoma Schools): 253-571-1853

Career & Technical Education (CTE): 253-571-1126

Child Find (Developmental Screenings): 253-571-2610

Counseling: 253-571-1027

Curriculum & Instruction: 253-571-1115

  • Literacy, Math and Science, Social Studies, Health & Fitness, Music & Arts

Early Childhood Education Assistance Program (ECEAP): 253-571-2620

Early Learning Department (Preschool): 253-571-2620

Elementary School Support: 253-571-1032

Enrollment and School Choice Services:  253-571-1142

Head Start: 253-571-2620

Health (Nursing) Services: 253-571-1506

High School Support: 253-571-1191

Highly Capable Student Programs (Gifted): 253-571-1120

Homeless Student Assistance: 253-571-6787

Instructional Technology: 253-571-3541

K-12 Support: 253-571-1036

Middle School Support: 253-571-1191

Nutrition Services: 253-571-3370

Partnerships—School, Family, Community and Business: 253-571-7980

Public Information Office: 253-571-1015

School Board: 253-571-1443

School Boundaries: 253-571-1142

Security: 253-571-1255

Student Services (Special Education): 253-571-1224

Summer Learning Programs: 253-571-1346

Superintendent’s Office: 253-571-1010

Tacoma Virtual Learning: 253-571-3551

Title I / Learning Assistance Program (LAP): 253-571-1049

Transportation: 253-571-1853

Transportation, Special Education: 253-571-1855

Volunteer Services: 253-571-7980