Tacoma Public Schools (TPS) is one of the largest districts in Washington State serving approximately 28,000 children in preschool through grade 12. The district has 36 elementary schools, 13 middle schools, 11 high schools and four early learning centers. TPS has nearly 5,000 employees and is one of the largest employers in Tacoma.
Strategic Goals
Goal 1: Academic Excellence
We will support all students to perform at or above grade level and eliminate group disparities.
Goal 3: Early Learning
We will focus on early assessment and intervention at the Pre-K through 3rd grade levels to ensure early academic success.
Goal 5: Operations
We will focus on effective and efficient business practices to ensure student academic success.
Goal 2: Partnerships
We will fully engage our parents, community and staff in the education of our children.
Goal 4: Health & Safety
We will create and maintain healthy and safe learning environments that promote excellent academic achievement.
It acknowledges the need to provide for every student a quality education that includes appreciation and respect for human individuality, cultural differences, and similarities that contribute to our democratic nation as a whole. Every student deserves a respectful learning environment in which their racial, ethnic, religious, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, or disability diversity is valued and contributes to successful academic outcomes. Learning and work environments are enriched and improved by the contributions, perspectives and presence of diverse participants. The district is committed to the success of every student in each of our schools. - Tacoma Public Schools Board Policy 3111
Tacoma Public Schools acknowledges that we are on the traditional ancestral and historical lands of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians.
We honor with gratitude the land itself and the Puyallup Tribe. This acknowledgement serves as a first step in honoring our nearest tribal neighbors and partners who have inhabited this region since time immemorial, and whom we give thanks for allowing us passage to their lands. We shall intentionally create inclusive and respectful partnerships that honor Indigenous cultures, histories, identities, and sociopolitical realities.
Departments & Programs
From Head Start to Athletics, Human Resources to Libraries and much more...
School Board
Setting the course for achieving our goals
Board Meetings: bring your input!
Board Members
Policy Manual
Live video of Board meetings
Josh Garcia